tirsdag den 6. maj 2008

Better write this before I collapse... I didn't go to bed until 6 am this morning because of a paper due...
I only have two recommendations. Why don't you listen to the new stuff from this band? I don't know if you have heard of them they are called Coldplay or something like that?
No, really I want to give attention to the band "AU" from Portland in the US of A. Börneblogger introduced me with the track RR vs D. that is no less then bliss of piano, singing, clapping and tooting. I am won over, I will no longer put up a fight... Perfect for spring in Denmark. I am going to put it on my stereo and drive my neighbours mad.
Second up is new stuff from Slaraffenland claiming to be a machine and who am I to disagree. You make up your own mind what to think.
Stay jolly. A.


1 kommentar:

sara sagde ...

Hej Allan -- vidste du, begge Au og jeg kommer fra Portland? Selv om vi bor i samme byen, og jeg havde tit hørte af dem før nu, jeg har aldrig lyttet til dem. Det måtte jeg nu – fordi, jeg ved at jeg faller bag, når se jeg Portland bands på dansk blogger... Jeg synes, de er ligesom godt – et par uge siden, var de stemmet en af de bedste nye bands i Portland.

Og tak for kommentarer på Ashtrays, og undskyld for mine slet dansk.

Mvh, sara.